I was hurrying to get to my appointed post as a church usher, when I found myself face first on the church steps. I was aware of a crunching sound in my head and neck, then nothing. When I came around, I heard a church member stating loudly and clearly "there are no accidents in God's kingdom!" I could hear the Scientific Statement of Being being spoken aloud, which I joined in audibly as soon as I caught my breath, and that someone else had removed my purse and other objects I'd been carrying. Although the pain was intense, I felt it important to get to my feet right then, so with help, I did.
Proceeding into the church with help, I mentally refuted that I'd ever fallen. Nothing had happened to me, God's child, and I could claim my freedom from this imposition right there and then. Heading for the restroom, I cleaned off my face, where a very visible and large bump was swelling on my forehead. I pulled my hair over the bump so it wasn't visible and proceeded to church.
The Bible Lesson that week was filled with wonderfully healing messages and boy, were they effective! By the time church was over, the swelling was gone, and I went out to lunch with my family and then did some shopping. Every effort of mortal mind to try to claim that my body hurt and was painful, I flipped into the spiritually positive.I couldn't be hurt, because I never had fallen. Since nothing had happened, there could be no aftereffects. After all, God always had been in control, and that control wasn't going to slip or fall away.
I continued with these healing messages and was able to do everything I always did throughout the week. My face developed a black eye, which I thought was pretty funny, and even though it was quite colorful, it didn't bother me. Makeup covered it to the point most people didn't notice it. I figured it was mortal mind's last gasp, and if that was the best it could do, I wasn't impressed. It disappeared completely.
I am very grateful for the immediate, and effective, metaphysical support of those church members who rushed to my aid, to my husband for his quick and emphatic refutation of the material picture, and to God for her healing and loving presence which never leaves us for one millisecond.